New User Directions in recruitify
Click the red ‘Create Account’ button at the bottom. Complete the form to create an organization account. Creating an account will allow you to register for multiple events, without having to fill out multiple registration forms.
Complete the form. Once complete, click Save Team
After saving, if you need to create more than one team click Add Team in the top, right-hand corner.
To register your team(s) for an event, click Register for Events(s)
Find the event and click Register
Select your Team(s) and Payment Method
Existing User Directions in Recruitify
If you are an existing user and have already created an organization account with recruitify, enter your username and password to login.
Once you are logged in, select the team(s) you are registering. If you need to add a new team click My Teams and then Add Team in the top, right-hand corner
Click Register for Event(s) and find the event and click Register
Need Assistance? Contact Recruitify
Recruitify is our partner for team and individual registration. To better serve you, please contact them directly at (984) 444-9187 for any questions or problems with registration.
E1T1 INVITATIONAL Tournament Rules
Tournament Rules: The National High-School Federation Rules and Regulations will apply to all tournament games, except where superseded below. The E1T1 INVITATIONAL is a grade based tournament.
Teams must arrive 45 MINUTES prior to scheduled game time. (We will start a game 15 minutes early if court is available.)
Tournament Rules:
All Games will be played as follows:
Players will be allowed to play for one team only per age group. Once a player plays in a game for one team, he will no longer be eligible to participate for any other team in the tournament.
8th grade and up will play two 16min halves. 7th Grade and under: will play 14 minute Halves
Timeouts (2) 30 sec & (1) 60 sec per half, NO carry over. (1) 30 secs in OT, NO carry over.
Fouls (5 per player) (10 team fouls is 1 & 1)
Warm-up: 4 minutes / Halftime: 3 minutes / Overtime: 2 minutes
Overtime periods will be 2 minutes.
30 Point Lead – 30 points or more clock runs.
All Forfeits are a 15-0 win.
No handshakes after the game.
Team Responsibilities:
Each team is allowed 3 coaches in the event. All Coaches are required to have their credentials (both armbands) with them at all times to enter event and sit on bench. (There will be a $40 fee to replace a coach’s credentials.)
The Big house staff will supply the game ball.
No Balls will be permitted in the building.
Home Team is listed on the left of the game schedule, sits on the left bench facing the game clock, and wears light color uniform.
Visitor team sits on the right bench facing the game clock, and wears dark color uniform.
1dB technical foul assessed to a coach or player there is no penalty other Than that the technical foul.
For the 2n> and following technical fouls, the player or coach does not participate in the remainder of that game.
The player must leave the building once the 2nd technical is called and remain outside the building until the game is complete.
Teams are allowed 15 minutes before a forfeit.
Center Court Clock Table:
The Home team must do the book. Tournament staff will provide a clock keeper. The book keeper and Clock keeper are the only people sitting at this table.
NO Spectators are allowed at this table.
Home team must do the book.
No additional books or personnel at this table.
There is no checking of book by non- particIpants during the game.
Tie Breaker:
If 2 teams are tied, head to head between the 2 teams determines winner.
If the 2 teams did not go head to head, then point differential will be used with 15 points being the maximum allowed.
More than 2 teams tied, teams are then ranked according to the sum of the point differential, highest number placing first, the second highest placing second and so on.
Protest Fee:
Protest fee will be $200 CASH. No credit cards accepted.
Coaches, players, parents and those attending event must be good sports and have proper conduct. Swearing & bad language will not be tolerated. Site Directors have the option to remove anyone from the tournament.
The E1T1 INVITATIONAL tournament is a grade based tournament.
Grade eligibility requirements apply.
An athlete must be in the 4th grade as of October 1, 2020 and can be no older than 11 on August 31, 2021.
An athlete must be in the 5th grade as of October 1, 2020 and can be no older than 12 on August 31, 2021.
An athlete must be in the 6th grade as of October 1, 2020 and can be no older than 13 on August 31, 2021.
An athlete must be in the 7th grade as of October 1, 2020 and can be no older than 14 on August 31, 2021.
An athlete must be in the 8th grade as of October 1, 2020 and can be no older than 15 on August 31, 2021.
Check In
Every team will be given 1 box of Clorox wipes and hand sanitizer at check in.
Each Team is required to wipe down their seats before they take the bench.
All teams must use hand sanitizer during each substitution, timeout, and halftime
Each team must have tournament waiver signed, player photos uploaded in Blink Identity and temperature checked upon entry into the gym.
All Rosters must be scanned and email by to e1t1info@yahoo.com by Thursday end of day April 11th, 2021.
All Players and coaches must log onto www.e1t1elitebasketball.com and click on E1T1 Invitational flyer to fill out waiver form. This form must be completed by Wednesday end of day.